Monday, 12 December 2016

My Quick Write

My best things I like about school:
is hanging out with my friends. Doing P.E art and writing.
And school is where I see my friends the most and I like playing sport with them. P.E is fun because my favorite game for P.E is dodge ball. I like it when you get the ball and throw it at people and then get them out.
I like Art because it's a fun creative activate and it's fun to do at school. Writing is cool because I like to entertain people and it's a way I can tell stories instead of telling people something I can write a story about it.

Those are the best things I like about school.

Thursday, 24 November 2016


This is my WIT. we have to find out about the snails senses so we know how they live and how they get their food and how they survive. I learned that snails most enjoy smooth ground and don't like traveling on hard rocky ground. And this is weird that snails actually like beer. These are my snails.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

My Finished Carnival Craft

I finally finished my Carnival Craft. Here is some photos of my finished Carnival Craft.

I have now turned it into a haunted house

I hope you enjoyed looking at my Carnival Craft. Now I don't wont to sleep in because it Haunted.

Monday, 24 October 2016

My Carnival Craft

This is my carnival craft it is a house made out of Popsicle sticksit took me two weeks to make this and everything is made out of popsicle sticks. The roof is made out of popsicle sticks. The floor is made out of popsicle sticks. The walls is made out of popsicle sticks. The chair in the house is made out of popsicle sticks. The window is made out of popsicle sticks. Everything is popsicle sticks. I hope you enjoyed looking at my house made out of popsicle sticks. I wonder if I can sleep in it? 

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

My New Goal

My new goal Equal Addends mastered in five minutes

Thursday, 23 June 2016

The book I'm reading this term


This is a great book. I would not give this book to
a five year old because can be hard to understand 
there is a bit of violence. It is a great book for  Kids/Teenagers and Adults.
There is 10 books in total I'm still on Stormbreaker the first book. I hope you enjoy these books because I certainly do.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

The Tow Away

I was shaking saying I do not want to do it.
Then Dad said you should do it your missing out.
So I said FINE! I’ll do it. So I jump on the freezing water and hop on the donut and then SCREAM!!!
(ps this story is about a boy named Luca who is scared going and donuts be hide a boat at a lake)
But then I open my eyes and it feels like i’m in slomo and im flying. Well for two seconds and back to screaming SCREAM!!! (oh and it’s not just me and my dad in the whole story. There is my cousins and my uncle name: Daren and brother name: Mason/boy and my sister name: Isla/girl cousins names: Jack and Harry ps there boys that was pretty Obvious.) Oh I forgot what part were we up to oh yeah screaming. SCREAM!!!! But then I started liking it then I said WHOO!!!! WOOO!!!! Then my brother/Mason was right next to me and Harry then he bumped us. Then he fell off and went flying backwards and he looked like flash tripping over and stopping really fast. So Daren stopped the boat and picked up Mason then he jumped on the boat. Then they pulled in the donut he was on then Mason jumped back on. Then me and  Harry started nose diving and it felt like I was in a subterranean diving down into the ocean. Then we popped back but Harry fell of because the water pushed him backwards Daren stopped the boat again. 
But Harry stayed on the boat because it was time to go in :(sadface): So we hoped of the donuts and swam to the surface so we were all gutted that it was time up but then I knew how to brighten up their day and ran up to Dad and said can we please go for one more ride then Dad said ok after lunch then I said YES!! (quietly) so I ran to Mason Jack and Harry and said we are going for another ride after lunch but someone was missing. Isla yup Isla she has not been for one ride so I asked her do you want to go for a ride on the donut but she said NO! So then lunch was done we had already went for another ride but Isla didn't go on it I told her it was your last chance but she missed out so the next time we go back to the the lake I will definitely be doing it again.        

Monday, 23 May 2016

My Learner Movie

Hi Im Luca This My Learner Movie My Learner movie is about if Im am good at learning or bad
And if there is some goals I need To work on I hope you enjoy Thankyou ;D

Thursday, 18 February 2016

My avatar

My avatar I like ipads. And space I like playing outside and inside. Im a youtuber and like gaming.  

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Quick write

My favorite room in the house is. My brothers room. Why: it has all the tech in it. we watch movies + sometimes I get to sleep in his room with him and we do fun stuff all night. Sometimes our Cats/Kittens sleep in there as well. The cat's names is Milo Neo and Honey. My brothers name is Mason he is 11 years old he goes to Frances douglas.   

Luca online vs Luca offline

When i'm online I am kind helpful. I like finding out secrets I like doing multiplayer with friends. I like adventuring. when i'm offline I like playing on trampolines. I like playing in the sun. I like surfing. I like snowboarding I like swimming.

My Passion Project

My Passion project and how it went.  Me and Xavier took two boys to the wharf the kids names were Mitchell Scott And Jake Nikks cousin. We ...