Monday 22 May 2017


Snowboarding is a scary sport. This is how it's scary just imagine you're on a board right by a cliff and looking down and saying I hope I don't fall down there. But then saying there has been thousands of people who have died up in the mountain. And there is a at least a 5% chance that I could be one of them. But anyway i'm having fun and there is no need to think that will happen it won't I just need to be safe on the mountain. Snowboarding is very fun and it is one of my favorite winter sports to do. You need lots of warm gear because it can get very cold on the mountain. Snowboarding is a extreme sport if you don't believe me watch this movie its called the art of flight by red bull its crazy!

Hope you enjoyed this little story about snowboarding bye.

My Passion Project

My Passion project and how it went.  Me and Xavier took two boys to the wharf the kids names were Mitchell Scott And Jake Nikks cousin. We ...